Thursday 8 October 2015

A Super Seaweed Supper

Pioneering Dutch enterprise sets out to put seaweed on the table.


By Esther O’Toole

Do you eat seaweed? No? Are you sure? Only around sushi? Well, think again.  Seaweed is found in many consumer products from ice cream and processed foods, to vitamin supplements, toothpaste, mascara and biofuel.

What is more, being a sustainable crop, it reduces fresh water, land, and fertilizer usage. This versatile and tasty resource is drawing a lot of interest in international agricultural circles, including one prominent Dutch enterprise, The North Sea Farm Foundation (Stichting Noordzee Boerderij). North Sea Farm have been testing the nutrient rich waters north of Texel, with a view to getting seaweed on more Dutch plates in the very near future.

Initially set up by Marcel Schuttelaar, of Schuttelaar & Partners, the foundation launched a proof of concept mission last November. Using two different growing platforms (one static, one flexible) and two varieties of edible kelp, they set out with the purpose of discovering whether the rough North Sea was suitable for this kind of offshore agriculture.

This month’s first successful harvest seems to indicate that it does. Having laid 10 m of line in the hopes of growing 1 kg of usable product, they ended up with 15 kg!

Koen van Swam, of North Sea Farm, told Dutch News that the partly crowdfunded project was now heading towards scaling up. The June crop is being independently tested for nutritional value and consumer safety and a second harvest is planned for October.

Harmony and Collaboration

Seaweed cultivation can work in harmony with both nature and existing offshore industries like fisheries, sea energy and conservation. It is a challenging spot to cultivate with waves that vary in size from 1m to a whopping 6m, which can sometimes make access to the platforms difficult. However, unlike more sheltered European growing areas (for instance in Norway and The Shetlands) the North Sea offers real space to spread out.

‘This is really pioneering’ said, van Swam. ‘If we can grow it here, we can grow it anywhere!’
He went on to explain that this industry offers the chance for entrepreneurs from many traditionally strong Dutch trades, such as maritime transport, fishing, mussel farming and agrofood, to collaborate. North Sea Farm expects to help create jobs and offer fantastic growth potential for all partners across the supply chain.

This year the global seaweed market for human consumption was estimated at nearly $ 6 million (USD). The Dutch Government are conducting research of their own and have estimated that there is scope for up to 400 km2 of seaweed fields off the Dutch North coast by 2050, with no discernible negative impact. Seaweed is regularly used by fish as a nursery, so the impact could in fact be a positive one.

North Sea Farm is equally ambitious as they set out to raise in the region of € 400,000 for expansion, hoping the green initiative’s early success will encourage new investors. That amount would allow them to grow 5,000-10,000 kg of seaweed by next season. If they’re successful then you will be needing a copy of the seaweed cook book they’re working on, as it seems highly likely that this nutritious new superfood could be coming to a Dutch dining room near you, very soon.

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