Friday 30 January 2015


So, it was a slow start to the year for us as our side of Amsterdam seemed to fall foul to a plague of flu. But, the leaves are in bud, our website's got a fresh new look, we're out and about catching up with Collective members old and new and busy getting new projects on their feet.

New projects? First off, we're looking into funding for Design Fiction workshops for schools. Are you a designer or visual artist interested in getting involved let us know! The idea being: in these times of rapid and radical technological evolution the more initiatives getting kids excited about new ways of learning and making the better. We'll be starting small but if the proof of concept works then it will hopefully lead to paid freelance opportunities for collective members.

If you're already in the Collective and think that we've been doing some useful stuff for you: getting you work, sending you personalised opportunity alerts or spreading the word about your latest projects then send us some feedback. We'd like to share your positivity with the new folks we're meeting as we grow the collective and hear about things you're interested in taking part in as 2015 unfolds. All ideas welcome. If you know someone you think would be interested in joining put them in touch!

Collective members are having a great start to 2015. Photographer Bas Niemans has been in Ghana for his partnership project with Maastricht University. 6 Degrees Productions are in the edit suite preparing for this summer's new series of Van de Straat and you can check out designer Jeffrey Goodett's awesome looking new website at

Currently, we're largely obsessed with futurism and said tech revolution. The first draft of Esther's new play around this subject is having a reading with Orange Tea Theatre just next week. We'll keep you posted of eventual production details. All going to plan!

Lastly, we're being asked to do an increasing amount of English copy-editing/writing and translation. If you are in need of help in this department get in touch for a free quote. For collective members we're offering coffee and free 'brain picking' surgeries if you're looking to brand your work or find new ways of moving the business of your art forward. Getting together for coffee is pretty much always an option anyhoo! So, stay in touch.

More anon and have a great weekend!
